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Owaisabad- The Foundation

Owaisabad, a fictional city, that prides itself on its perfection as it will be a contemporary and prosperous urban hub, governed by a group of savvy and brilliant individuals who are strongly guided by Divine Revelation. These BELIEVERS are exceptional beings, known as the Meem Community, are not only noble and sophisticated but also driven by unwavering honesty

Members of the Meem Community- Owaisabad

The Community of Believers is the glue and the directional compass that keeps Owaisabad alive. They are virtuous people and have gained remarkable success in their endeavors due to their commitment to virtuous practices and tireless efforts towards community betterment. Their foundation is rooted in ancient teachings and guided by divine revelation, which highlights the importance of leading a righteous life.

Through acts of selflessness and compassion, the Meems have managed to create a positive impact on the lives of those around them. Their relaxed yet determined approach has not only earned them admiration within their community but has also inspired others to follow in their footsteps. In a world often driven by personal gain, the Meems of Owaisabad stand out as a shining example of the profound impact that can be achieved through virtue and a strong sense of communal responsibility.

The Kaafs Of Owaisabad

The bulk of the Owaisabad community consists of disbelievers, commonly referred to as Kaafs. They are individuals who reject the DIVINE REVELATION and prefer to live in ignorance, relying on superstitions. Just like other Kaafs scattered around the globe, they have a knack for mischief, and their trademark traits include vulgarity and dishonesty.

Their rituals, while seemingly bizarre to the modern eye, hold immense importance in their daily lives. One cannot help but wonder if empathy and a civic sense got lost in the shuffle of their corrupt and uncouth behavior. Perhaps they consider cheating as a mere survival tactic in their chaotic world. Oh, the Kaafs of Owaisabad, a peculiar mix of tradition, mischief, and a complete disregard for the rules!



Sardha Patel
Sardha Patel
Mar 01, 2024

Superb knowledge we need this


Jan 06, 2024

Thank you for guiding us Sir


Dec 23, 2023

Keep dreaming and continue living in your delusional world with your pathetic life.


Anushka Perera
Anushka Perera
Oct 23, 2023

as a buddhist kaaf i know what you mean my Lord. The foundation is well built and this is the society that will be in the future.

Jan 06, 2024
Replying to

Absolutely right , chattiar kaaf cunt her and this foundation should serve use all 😋


ajit panda
ajit panda
Sep 08, 2023

Excellent presentation. I read it thoroughly and realised I am a kaaf. Looking forward to more of ur blogs.also i would like to give u some ideas and materials to use in ur future blogs.



Hail Muslim Supremacy

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